Jónsi在影片結尾的時候講,最後的那首歌..是..intense.. Ágúst's grandma came to the show, and it was really loud. His grandma heard that it was on the TV so she said, It was on TV. Then I'll just go back and watch the TV. TV's much more better. And when she went back, it was just the last song. She said oh it's too loud too loud. Then she turned off the TV. It was like..hahaha 然後他邊說邊特別害羞的笑了。
山巒 森林 瀑布 鵝卵石 羊群 孩子。這是我所聽到的。他們在一起,在空房簡里,在草原上,在輪船的殘骸里,在寬闊的空場。沒有調音師,沒有燈光,沒有麥克風。唯有音樂。
有時候鏡頭里會出現小孩子,搖搖擺擺的走到Jonsi旁邊,再搖搖擺擺的走回來。或是一隻大狗。走過去,轉一轉,再走到別的地方。他們採取沈睡了幾百年的樹木根莖製作自己的樂器。他們背著樂器跑到雪山角下的草原上歌唱反對政府在這篇大自然賜与的土地上修建工廠。 “The winds stopped when we sang. It's like magic.”
海水 沙灘 潮起潮湧。孩子們玩耍的情景。露水与花瓣。天空 傍晚 雲朵變幻著姿態的倒影在山巒起伏上。煙火 風箏 紅色的風箏 和Jónsi吉他上面那株生長的綠色藤蔓 都在靜靜流淌。流淌在冰島透明的血液裡面。閃閃發光。
"sometimes we are together. Just be together, and play music. Not much conversation."
“....Sometimes we have to deal with..you know..the business part..the publishing, lawyer...thatz stuff. It's not music anymore. It's..scary.you know"
”We have to be here. We have to come back. It's our home."