When I look in your eyes,
and you're looking back in mine,
everything feels not quite normal.
Because I feel stronger
and weaker at the same time,
I feel exicted,
and at the same time,
The truth is,
I don't know what I feel,
except I know
what kind of man I want to be.
这是Sheldon对Amy说的一段话,也是蜘蛛侠里的台词。Sheldon慢慢地说出这样的话,配上温柔的发音,让我觉得……很浪漫。最近看东西时的关注点总是怪怪的,发现谢耳朵有女朋友时我真是惊呆了,因为我一直把谢耳朵当成那些专心于学术和漫画和电子游戏的nerd,当然他确实是。但是很难想象,Sheldon Cooper 和一个女的?于是我马不停蹄把所有shamy出现的集都看了一遍,就像八卦班里哪个同学(居然)找到妹子一样追究前因后果。