-- “简直开玩笑,《拆》是一部不错的影片,但是远不像评委会吹的那样好,《阿凡达》理应获得最佳影片奖!”(It’s absolutely a joke! The Hurt Locker was a good movie, but it was far from that great like the Academy make it appear. AVATAR SHOULD HAVE WON BEST PICTURE, PERIOD. )
-- “《阿凡达》应该得最佳影片和最佳导演奖,有什么片子比得上史上最高票房的电影好。我们每年都有很多战争片,但是卡麦隆制作《阿凡达》在电影发展上带来的是革命性的变革。”(Avatar should have won best picture and best director. How do you possibly beat the highest grossing film of all time? There are war movies every year. James Cameron has made Avatar a revolutionary experience in film making. )
-- “这不对劲… 如果评委会公正的话,《拆》片不应该挤掉《阿凡达》… 结果是政治因素作怪… 真可耻!”(I believe this isn't right... "Hurt Locker" can't elbow out "Avatar" if the Academy is judging right... The awards almost all became political stuff... Shame on them...