the Machine vs. Smartisan
S3E22中Decima头目Greer与Harold 对话:Harold表示自己被当作AI之父是意外的副作用。他对AI的诞生持悲观态度,因为自己不能控制其进化。对此Greer的态度非常明显——Uncertainty. Your personal abyss. 关于机器的建成,Greer一度认为是出于创造力而非利他主义。对此Harold承认,他的确感受到创造的力量,而同时也一直声明他建造机器是为了拯救生命。以S3E20结尾他不杀议员的抉择作例证,再合适不过。盾与剑,这也正是the Machine与Smartisan最大的区别。
Since we started this, things have changed.
We've changed.
But the mission, our purpose, has always been constant--
to save lives.
If that's changed somehow, if we're in a place now
where the machine is asking us to commit murder...
That's a place I can't go.
I'm afraid this is where I get off.
Vigilance vs. the Government
S3E19中Vigilance头目Collier与Harold同样也有一番对话,Harold坦言,他们可能难以相信,自己同意Vigilance的诉求,只是不赞成他们的暴力手段。在S3E23的审判中,我实在为Harold的勇气所折服,他与Collier激烈争辩:从建造机器的第一天起,他就在担心它可能造成的危害,他对自己的作品感到不安,始终不敢说自己做这件事是否正确。如此强烈的道德感甚至可以用珍贵来形容。Nothing wrong with a dictatorship, so long as you're the dictator. 这恐怕是Collier能够给Harold的最高敬意。Harold承担责任的勇气和为此付出的一切,S3E21中他将被交给Decima时展露无遗。
From the day the machine went online,
part of me knew that I would never be able to sever myself from it...
And that anyone I ever cared about was in danger.
It was foolish to imagine otherwise.
I tried to guard myself, stay hidden,
from the government, the authorities, people looking.
Here we still are.
This moment was inevitable.
This moment was always looking for me.
I have to accept it.
Carter & Reese
The machine only gives us numbers,
because I would always rather that
a human element remain in determining
something so critical as someone's fate.
We have free will.
And with that comes great responsibility
and sometimes great loss.
I miss her dearly too.
然而我们不可避免一个问题,坚守这样的道德观,其意义何在。其实Harold的道德观相当精英主义,真正的精英主义。也难怪S4E01中安排Harold为客座教授时,他所教授的课题是the ethics of high-frequency decision making 对高频决策的伦理考量。这正是Harold日夜面对的难题,也是唯Harold才有资格讲授的课题。可是面对空荡的教室,Harold与他的课题究竟该何去何从?