特别响,非常近影评:For 8 minutes, the world will still be bright and we will still feel warm.
Well if you don’t tell me, how me ever be right? Another way of looking at it is how can you ever be wrong
‘I wish it were you.’ ‘I wish it were you in the building instead of dad.’ 他仿佛怕她没懂他的意思般,将话说了个透彻,不给她留一丝的幻想 ‘So do I.’ 她平静的仿佛在说自己也想吃三明治,可除了平静这个失去了丈夫的女人能怎么办,一个有一个不能成眠的夜,那孩子怎么知道呢?
She was so quiet and just say Go bed. But what was she feel. That’s her child
He shrugged, like dad did. And I loved it. 他固执的将手中的奶拿给他,拿回后却不再用他喝过的习惯,他就是如此神经质的孩子,然而他是真的依赖他的,父亲死了,母亲被他生生推离了他的世界。他,再无依靠。 他将一切的秘密说与他听,然而他走了,义无反顾。他是这样毒舌的对着一个老人,甚至连路人都看不下去了。然而,隐藏其下的,是他掩不住的无助孤独吧。
If the sun was to explode, we wouldn’t even know for 8 minues. Because that’s how long it takes for light to travel for us. For 8 minutes, the world will still be bright and we will still feel warm. I could feel my 8 minutes with him was running out.
Maybe other children may think that is their father,too.
Are you there? 他执着的近乎偏执的去寻找,他相信,父亲是在指引他的,然而原来他没有想象中那么不同的,一切的一切终于水落石出,不过是一场空。
I promise I’m going to be normal 也许归根到底我所不能抗拒的是那些敏感却坚强的孩子,无论是leon里的女孩,亦或是特别响非常近里的男孩,他们是强大的,强大的令人生厌,仿佛提琴的弦丝,能奏出美妙的音符,然而不得靠近,否则,伤人伤己。然而他们又是那样的纤细,绷紧的弦丝终将断裂。敏感如他们,生活无处不是苦难,然而幸运的是,他们的身边总有人守护。 You’re snooping on me? No, I’m searching for you.