典型战争叙事。So much for no man left behind 现实。无论是不是英雄,最后沦落成现实经济的工具。象征意义超越一切,最后成为老年时候的噩梦。讨论的是战争和荣誉,真实和虚幻。英雄最后都变成了演员的修养。
但是Heros are something we create, something we need. It's a way for us to understand what is the most incomprehensible, how people could sacrifice so much for us····the risks they took,the wounds they suffered,they did that for buddies.They may have fought for their country,but they died for their friends.For the man in front, for the man beside them.And if we wish to truly honor these men,we should remember the way they really were. 大的愿景肯定是要的,第一架飞机的降落和可以救活的看不到的人,更重要的是周围的兄弟。