边检时化身成了Yannakis,被流放的命运似乎竟是落在男主身上般感同身受。"The first thing God created was the journey. And then came doubt... and nostalgia..."
他们在讨论塞尔维亚人和阿尔巴尼亚人谁先来到巴尔干半岛。最后的结论却是都怪该死的黑格尔影响了马克思。想想鹳鸟的踟躇里作者的发文,“By which cues could we spark a new collective dream?”人类的历史就是这样前进,也因此,manakis兄弟的凝视才显得如此与众不同,一见倾心。
三十多年前的希腊,男主在军队中,每个星期六离开时,hoping for a sign in the eyes of the local girls. But they just laughed and passed on. There, they laugh and pass on. But not always.
-"Will you wait for me?"
-"Is it wrong not to love the city where you were born? But this place stifles me. Rain and mud in winter, dust in summer."
-"I'll be back to take you away from here. I can hear my train coming in."
-"Stay a little longer. Only a few minutes."
-"I can hear the train. I must hurry."
-“Tell me that you care, that you will come back. I will be waiting.”
“When I return, it will be with another man's clothes. Another man's name. My coming will be unexpected. If you look at me, unbelieving and say,'You are not here.' I will show you signs and you will believe me. I will tell you about the lemon tree in your garden. The cool window that lets in the moonlight. And then signs of the body. Signs of love. And as we climb, trembling to our old room, between one embrace and the next, between lovers' calls, I will tell you about the journey... all the night long. And then all the nights to come, between one embrace and the next, between lovers' calls. The whole human adventure. The story that never ends.”
一开始是"A way out",但最后短暂的逃避解决不了任何问题,直面它,成为它。从这个角度上来看,倒是的确《鹳鸟》的内涵和篇幅明显相形见绌了。
-“I'm crying because I... Because I can't love you.”