[1] That Guy In DunkirkReally was a Mole, Geoff Rynex
[2] The Unsinkable Charles Lightoller,Peggy Wirgau
[3] Two eventful days for Manston, 28th August 1940 and 1942 – Churchill’s visit and 56 emergency landings,Supporters of Manston Airport
[3] The real hero of Dunkirk: Courage of the pier-master who manned a crucial jetty to organise evacuees for six days and five nights without a break,MailOnline
[4] Wikipedia
[5] 电影《敦刻尔克》中大撤退的指挥官原型是加拿大人,亚明
[6] 《敦刻尔克》真实历史背景介绍以及抢先预告分析,Bruce Bane
[7] 《敦刻尔克大撤退中的英国皇家空军》,澎湃新闻
[8] 《敦刻尔克》电影与史实的不同在哪?,otaconlegend