年轻的玛格丽特眼里噙着泪水,委屈而又期待地对着马克说道:“i love you so much,but i will never be one of those women…”她坚定地说道:“no,one's life must matter,denis.” 她选择了一条与众不同的路,可我从未觉得她孤独。好像英雄的成长总是伴随着苦难,不幸,隐忍的神情伴随着岁月的风霜,坚硬的线条,刀刻般的棱角。 可是玛格丽特总是那么富有生机,容颜焕发,她的眼睛里好像有光,无论青春或年老。 年轻的她在一群成年男子主宰的世界中显得那么格格不入,可是她的神情总是显得那么愉悦,满足,且充满期待,所以我忘记了所有那些成功路上应该付出的艰辛与痛苦。我从未觉得她孤独。 年老的她目光坚定,语调威严,面对质询,有力回击,勇敢竞争首相,在暴风雨般的质询中坚持自己的政策,果断的下令击沉敌舰… 最后经历了人生的巅峰之后,免不了下坡路。下坡路上的她很孤独,坚硬如铁,也免不了沉溺于幻想,大概真的是很渴望丈夫的陪伴吧,最后的最后,她终于勇敢走出来,面对现实,不负铁娘子的晚节。
圣方济的祷文 where there is discord,may we bring harmony. where there is error,may we bring truth. where there is doubt,may we bring faith. and where there is despair,may we bring hope.
people do not think anymore.they feel. …one of the great problems of our age is that we are governed by people who care more about feelings than they do about thoughts and ideas? watch your thoughts,for they become words. watch your words,for they become actions. watch your actions.for they become habits. watch your habits,for they become your character. and watch your character,for it becomes your destiny. what we think,we become. and i think i am fine. 但是仍然很感谢你的关心。