“永远不要随波逐流 走你自己的路 ”“Never run with the crowd,Go your now way”
“今天礼拜五,干嘛不穿点好看衣服呢”“It’s Friday,why not fancy dress?”
“过去人们总是努力要做成某件事,现在是要努力成为某个人”“It used to be about trying to do something.Now its about trying to be someone.”
“一个人的生命必须是有意义的,要比做饭打扫带孩子更有意义,一个人的生命必须比这更丰富”“one’s life must matter,Beyond the cooking and the cleaning and the children,one’s life must mean more than thatt”
“你可以倒带 但不能改变过去”“You can rewind it,but you can’t change it.”
“假装人人平等是没有好处的,每个人都不同,从来都不是 也永远不会一样”“There’s no good in pertending we’re all equal…We’re not all the same,never have been,never will be.
“一个人如果要开始承担责任就需要更勇敢”“One must be brave if one is to take the wheel.”
注意你所想的,因为它们会成你所说的。注意你所说的,因为它们会变成实际的行动。注意你的行为,因为它们会形成习惯;注意你的习惯,因为它们会形成你的人格。注意你的人格,因为它们会影响你的命运。我们想的是什么,就会成为什么样的人。”“Watch your thoughts,for they become words.Watch your words,for they become actions.Watch your actions,for they become habits.Watch your habits,for they become your character.And watch your character,for they it becomes your destiny.What we think,we become.”