money can buy you a blanket, but you will never feel the warm when you are in your husband's arms。 故事的最后不能不说是个挺好的结局 people clock in and clock out and they spend their lives in the company for the whole life 也许有人曾经的梦想是厨师 可是 是那第一个月多少钱的薪水 让你进了一个和梦想违背的公司 从此就一直干了下去 碌碌一生 慢慢泯灭了自己曾经的梦想
many people are at your place and they make their take off it is because they once were at your place that they got the chance to take off 这是破产裁员顾问对那些即将失去工作的人说的话 我想有关梦想 就更有说服力吧
do you want your family be happy do you think they are happy now why not make them happy 当人们发现 其实家才是最后的港湾 那些 金钱 荣耀 名誉 都不那么重要 有人接受了事实 回到自己最爱的那个家 并开始寻找自己的梦想
曾经有人在婚礼之前怯了场 我想这是人之常情 他说 you get married. you have a child. you have another child. you become old. your children grow up. they go to college and universities. you grow older. your children will have a family. they leave you. you die. they come back to memorize you and live on their lives. 他说 这就是自己下半辈子被规划好的人生么 what's the point I being here 那个从来不屑婚姻的人 最后告诉他说 -last night when you fought with your wife, where did she sleep? -Well, in the living room I think. -So you were alone then? -Yes, pretty alone.. and , pretty lonely. -So you feel lonely. -Yes. And that is why you need a marriage. you need a company. you need someone to rely on. you need a co-pilot of your life. maybe that is the meaning of your life, not meaningless at all.